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you are WOMBAT

Your personality to portray:

-you are very shy and don't like social interactions

-you usually burrow your way to places underground so you don't have to talk to other bats

-you always act awkward, and look at the ground a lot

-you like to have friends but you'll never instigate a friendship

-you feel like nobody likes you

Try to stay in character as much as possible, and ham it up as much as you want. 

But the most important thing for you to do is know what's on this page about what you know, what you answer when asked something, so keep your phone close so you can often refer to it!


You have been invited to a dinner party by "Batty," the peculiar owner of a spooky manor.  You, along with several diverse individuals from the BAT community, are not actually here for fun or enjoyment, but mostly because you're curious about the other bats.  And you like the food.


Below is the information you know.  If you are asked a question and the answer isn't here, just say you don't know.  But if the answer is here, be sure to answer the question with the information here.


What You Know:

*you didn't want to come to this dinner but you've been trying to come out of your shell lately

*Any time someone says anything to you, look down while you answer them

*You don't like Brickbat or Combat, they have both been extremely mean to you, if either one of them speak to you, give them a dirty look and ignore them.

*You entered the manor by digging a small burrow in the garden and snuck in from underground

*You don't like that Batman is here, he's always accusing bats of doing bad things


*Ask anyone else questions that arise, especially after someone at your table dies! 


Someone has died!  It's time to do an investigation.  Each bat will have to explain how it wasn't them who committed murder.

When it's your turn, say:

"I didn't even want to be here.  Too many people. I was in my burrow about to go home when the lights went out, and I came back up to see what happened."

Make sure to share everything you know above that could point the finger at someone else and away from you before everyone guesses who the murderer is!

​(((everyone will now enjoy dessert, and fill out their papers guessing who they think the murderer is, etc.)))


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